Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hoarding 101

hi from northern ny where it is sunny and a windy 25 degrees.

i've decided i'm very fickle about my art projects. i like to do everything from sewing to painting to gelli printing to jewelry making, etc. the problem is that i don't have a lot of room (i craft in my bedroom) and i am not very organized. i had paint, fabric, books, papers, inks and everything spread all over as i go from project to project. but, you know when you get to that point where you just can't stand it any more? well i reached it this past weekend. this is what it looked like.

what a mess, just try to work in that!!! so, i went to town and got a new batch of sterlite containers (what would i do without them). then i started pulling everything out and sorting. i should have taken a picture of what that looked like. the bed was piled high. the poor dog scooted over and over and finally had to abandon the bed altogether. but i got all like objects roughly sorted. all scrapbook paper together, all full sheets of paper, all partial sheets, add-ons, etc. this is what it currently looks like. a big improvement, but a long way to go.


here i am today wanting to gelli print (i got a bunch of new tools when i was at the dollar store the other day). and it's not like i "need" to gelli print (i have two magazine boxes full of prints). so, what wins: gelli printing, more cleaning, printing, cleaning. you'll have to come back to find out :)

1 comment:

  1. just did that over the lastdays: create order in chaos. Good on you and viva the plastic tubs...
